Saving accounts and Investment Portfolios
Investment Portfolio
Long-term savings or diversified Portfolio
What Markets do we invest?
We organise assets into classes such as equities (shares), property, cash, CFDs, indices and fixed-interest securities. Our Portfolio comprises 55% Forex, 30% international stocks, and 15% commodities: it has an average annual return of 11.65%.
A diversification strategy brings us more consistent returns over time and reduce overall investment risk.
Additional Market Components
- Sector funds
- Commodity-focused funds
- Real estate funds
- Asset allocation funds
Investors have for many years used different classes of investment instruments to diversify their portfolios. Today, in addition to equities and stocks, there are many other classes that can provide diversification benefits. These include currencies, derivatives, commodities, indices. Currency or Forex trading has specifically gained increasing popularity among investors and investment communities.
How it works
Personal Financial Adviser
Our Financial Advisers help you to establish the investment portfolio to keep track the best trading strategies to increase the probability of gaining in the market. Investment portfolio simply means investing in different assets for diversifying financial risks.


Before you set up your Portfolio it's very important to have these features. It should be able to diversify as to increase the profit margin. The features could be any of the following;
  • Diversification - is important as to increasing the profit gains of the investor.
    Portfolio manager or portfolio adviser is needed to deal with the assets/funds. It is important for traders who don't get to place regular trades on the market.
  • Commodity trading - it's important for portfolio's to include commodities and CFDS. Commodity trading also helps the trader to diversify the investment portfolio.
Use the software package to work effectively at the exchange. Get a high-quality quotes feed and a convenient personal trading account for full account control. The platform contains a built-in order execution system and protects your data from unauthorized access — all information is available only to you. Start working right now — evaluate the possibilities of working at the trader's terminal.
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Referral Program levels
Bring more friends and get your remuneration payments from their initial investment!!
Lets say you bring 8 people as referrals and each of them invested 1000$, In total: 1000$ x 8 referrals = 8000$ * 8% (1-10 referrals) = 640$ remuneration.
1,00 USD - 249,999 USD
250,000 USD - 499,999 USD
500,000 USD - 749,999 USD
750,000 USD - 999,999 USD

1,000,000 USD - 2,999,999 USD
3,000,000 USD - 4,999,999 USD
5,000,000 + USD